When A Hood Legend Claims It All Page 8
“That’s cool and all pop, but like you said times have changed. These women ain’t loyal.”
He sighed when he realized he wasn’t getting through to us.
“We’re getting off topic and I’m trying to whoop y’all ass in some ball. We’ll save that discussion for another day, for now remember what I said. Stay focused and always do good business,” he told us before receiving the ball Wes threw at him.
“Today must be my lucky day. I can’t believe you finally answered for me.”
Damn, her voice was sexy as shit.
Holding the phone with my shoulder, I adjusted my hard on with my free hand.
“I’ve been busy.”
“Yeah, I know. I hear that a lot from you which means you must got some new pussy in the lineup. As good as we both know mine is that’s the only thing that can keep you away. They always did say they only thing better than good pussy is new pussy.”
My mind drifted off to Corryn instantly. It seems like as much as I hated to think about her, I had no control. I didn’t fuck her and she had me whipped.
“What’s up tho,” I asked.
“I want some dick,” she stated. “Playing in my pussy haven’t been holding me over. Where are you now?”
Ignoring the tail end of her comment, I licked my lips thinking about sliding in between her legs.
“Heading home. A nigga is tired.”
“Come over here. I’ll make it worth your while.”
Shit, I knew that to be true. I was tired but it was nothing like falling asleep after a good nut. “Bet,” I replied ending the call.
Since her apartment was on my way home it only took me about fifteen minutes to get to her. Natalia and I lived closer to each other than she knew but I wasn’t about to give her my address. Every little thing she read into and I wasn’t about to have her feeling like she had a chance with me again.
When I arrived she was ready and barely allowed me to get through the door before she dropped to her knees and pulled my dick out.
My toes curled feeling her warm wet tongue circle the head of my dick.
“I knew you missed me.”
I missed that mouth.
Looking down I watched as she did her thing before palming the back of her head so she can stop fucking around and give me head instead of those teasing ass licks.
“Stop fucking playing and suck my dick.” I’ve been so busy that even though it’s been a few days it’s been long overdue since I got anything. In fact Corryn been the last person I did anything sexual with and that was shocking being as though sex wasn’t involved.
“Sayless,” she murmured before going in on my pipe. I watched as she tried to fit as much of my dick in her mouth which enhanced the feeling even more. I wasn’t a small nigga and neither was my dick but she took that shit like a champ.
It didn’t take long for me to bust before I instructed Natalia to get the condom out of my pocket.
“I got a condom,” she told me holding one up.
“Go in my pocket and get the condom,” I said again looking at her as if she lost her mind. I don’t know what kind of nigga she thought I was, but I damn sure wasn’t a dumb one. My dick got soft just thinking about her trying to pull a fast one. She knew she fucked up too, so she sucked my dick until I was hard again and slid the condom on.
Grabbing a handful of her hair, I stood her to her feet and pushed her against the island. With her left leg in the crook of my arm, I pushed into her roughly and she screamed clawing at the counter.
“You lucky this pussy good as shit,” I hissed slamming into her.
Her pussy was so wet, it can be heard overtop her loud ass moaning. The bitch was no good, but her pussy was better which made it almost hard for me to cut her stupid ass off.
Pressing my hands against the counter for leverage I continued to thrust deeper into her from behind.
“Mar… shit… slow down… I’m not trying to cum yet… fuck…”
I bit into my bottom lip and pumped aggressively.
Fuck that.
“You wanted this dick right? Shut up and take it.”
Natalia was out of her mind if she thought I was going to be on some love making shit with her. Especially after that stunt she tried to pull. Niggas ended up being fathers after trusting a condom from a woman. My nigga Kenton being one of the victims. I didn’t want no relationship and the responsibility of being a father. I damn near raised Amena on my own but that was my sister.
She was trying her best to get her rhythm, but she was no match for my strokes. I was on a tight schedule and really wanted to take my ass home and go to bed.
It was just her luck that she got her nut right before I got mine. I pulled out for good measure and jacked my seeds off into the condom as I went straight to the kitchen. When I was done I grabbed some paper towel and balled the condom up in it. I then quickly got some more and cleaned myself up before pulling up my pants and stuffing the condom in my pocket to dispose of it when I got home.
“You don’t have to do all of that.”
“Safe measure,” I responded quickly pecking her on her cheek. I was an asshole but it was hard to be such a dick after getting drained like that. “I’ll holla at you.”
“I see I’m just good enough to get fucked,” she all but whined. “We’ve been at it for how long, Mar? You’re more than welcome to stay sometime.”
That struck a nerve.
“Stay with you?”
“Yes, stay with me. You just come fuck me and then leave,” she shot back standing her ghetto girl stance with her hands planted on her curvy hips.
“So why change now? What’s for me to do here? You want me to lay around and cuddle wit’ you? As long as we’ve been fucking, you know that ain’t my twist, Natalia.”
“Yes! I just don’t want only dick from you.”
“Well that’s all I have to offer. There’s plenty niggas out there that can fill that void. Come lock this door,” I instructed her stepping out of her apartment.
“So you’re with that girl now? The one I saw you in the club with? Either her pussy is trash or she’s not giving it up.”
“It doesn’t matter. You’ll still let me hit. So why are you bringing her up?”
Natalia had this sad ass look on her face as if that was going to sway me to give her something I didn’t have. She stood there, so I left her where she was at deading the conversation.
I always made it clear on what we were and I thought she understood. That’s the downside of giving good dick, it had bitches dreaming and hoping. If a relationship was what she wanted I wouldn’t even entertain the thought when it came to Natalia. She wasn’t the kind of chick I would settle with.
We were fucking like crazy but I even had to slow that down because she was getting confused. I see that even putting space between the times I hit wasn’t enough because she still was on some clingy shit. As good as her pussy was I was contemplating on letting this be the last time. Besides the whole condom shit ain’t sit right with me.
By time I made it to my crib, my phone went off in my pocket. I had my mind made up not to answer it but I remembered I had a truck that was pretty close and grew concerned of a potential problem.
When I saw it was Corryn, I answered it.
The sniffling on the end had me standing in place wondering what the fuck was going on. First thing that came to my mind was that nigga Pitt and if he found out about me and her.
“Corryn! What’s wrong!”
“I need you,” she sobbed.
“That nigga did anything to you?!”
“Yeah… no… no. I’m not with him. I’m at a hotel and don’t want to be alone. Can you come please?”
She was so distraught she can barely get out what she was saying. She kept saying she was good but her voice was clear indication that she was anything but. I told her to hang up and send me her location.
didn’t even reset my alarm before turning the lock and closing the front door so I can get to her.
“Who’s that?” Jake questioned me as I ended the call.
The entire time I spoke he was down my throat and I wasn’t speaking in code so he was very aware in who I was speaking with.
We were having a late lunch at Capital Grille and I was listening to one of his speeches about how he was so stressed and needed me to cooperate with him… in other words, do whatever he wanted.
Jake and I met at the University of Pennsylvania. He was studying Law so while I had graduated and obtained my degree in accounting he was still in school.
He was a spoiled ass rich kid. His mom and dad jumped at his beck and call and he expected me to do the same. He had a temper tantrum out of this world because of it. Whenever he got in one he would break up with me and then I will see on social media he was out living it up. It amazed me to be someone that was so stressed about school, somehow always made time to party.
I let it slide telling myself I had my own shit going on with Wesley, so I ain’t care if he wanted to play the break up game to go have fun. Imagine how I felt catching him with his lips on another girl. It was a slap in the face for even dealing with his ass to begin with when I really ain’t want him.
“My brother. I gotta go.”
Rolling his eyes like a little sissy, he tossed the napkin on the table.
“Jesus, Amena! You barely finished your food! What your brother want can’t wait?”
I reared my head back and glared at him.
“If it did I wouldn’t be leaving.”
“See that’s why we won’t work. You put your brother before me. A woman is supposed to honor her husband. How can I even marry you if you don’t give me the respect as your boyfriend?”
“Don’t play yourself, Jake. We spent more time breaking up than we did being together because you like your freedom to go fuck other bitches. Ones named Becky with the good hair.”
I only said that because the girl he was tonguing down was white. Nothing surprised me with him now a days. He threw around this marriage shit because he knew I wanted it but I’d be damned to be tied to a little baby like him.
I only accepted going out to lunch because I was bored. Wesley was occupied with his bitch. Tax time was over, I went over all the accounts the family had and made deposits. I barely had friends because I was such a loner and was heavily guarded majority of the time. If you ask Amare he only accepted Jake because he was safe. Safe as in fucking boring. I used to enjoy being around him because it was different. If only he knew how Jake carried on, he would’ve slapped the taste out of his mouth just for acting like a bitch.
Jake was cute and nothing like the males I grew up around. Guys my age just wanted sex. I was able to have a conversation with Jake about future plans and my goals. A year into the relationship I gave him my virginity. He also has that family life I was cheated out of and I saw a different side of money. Now I was sick of him. He wasn’t worth the headache and he knew it which was why he reached out.
“I told you I was sorry!” he shouted. His vanilla skin turned beet red. “I kissed her by accident.”
Laughing, I wiped my mouth. That was something I couldn’t respond to. I pushed my chair back from the table.
“You sound pathetic. Either way, I’m leaving.”
After adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I headed towards the exit of the restaurant. Jake shot up from his seat, rushed over grabbing my hand to stop me.
“I’m sorry. It just makes me upset when I’m trying to make things work between us and it feels one sided,” he side raking his hand through his curly sandy brown hair before gripping it expressing how stressed out he was. “Look, I understand you’re upset but can you just come to the dinner my mother is having? She keep asking about you.”
The look on his face use to get me every time, but I couldn’t feel bad for something he caused. I wasn’t only sick of the back and forth of breaking up and watching him live his life as if I didn’t exist for him to want to crawl back to me but I was sick of him.
“It is one side because you’re the one who keep fucking up. As much as I don’t care to be around you I might consider coming.” I said jabbing him in his chest with my pointer finger. “Give me some time and space. That’s all I ask.”
Quickly turning on my heels, I proceeded out of the restaurant to head home to my brother. On the phone he requested that I go to Target to pick up a few things for him and he was going to text me, but once I was settled in the car and saw that the list of items were female items, I decided I needed to see him to figure out what the hell was going on.
I drove like a bat out of hell eager to get to him as if I was going to miss what I was trying to find out. After pulling into our gated community, I parked in front of our house and sped walked to the front door.
“Mar!” I called out to him after punching in our code to enter his home. My heart was racing thinking that he brought that chicken head, Natalia to our house. I was only in doubt because he asked for clothes and under clothes that wasn’t her size. She was a thick girl, so she damn sure wasn’t wearing a medium.
Taking the stairs two at a time, I went up to the second level and almost ran into him coming out of the guest bedroom. I stood on my tip toes in an attempt to see who was there, but he gently pushed me back as he shut the door to stop me.
“Why you gotta be so nosey!”
“This is my house too! Who the hell you have up in here?!” When he didn’t answer I placed my hands on my hips and shot him a nasty look. “It better not be-”
“No it’s not,” he cut me off.
“What bitch you got up here then,” I whispered harshly through gritted teeth.
Mar released a throaty chortle as he folded his arms over his chest. He was so much taller than me that I was looking up at him ready to knock his head off.
“You never bring anyone here! I can’t bring anyone here, so who is she?!” I spat pointing at the door. Each second that passed had me reeling ready to find out who was this lucky girl.
“Yo, right now you sound more like a crazy girlfriend than a little sister.”
I balled my face up as he put so much emphasis on ‘little’. I sent my fist flying into his arm.
“I’m glad you’re amused. Little sister or not, I deserve to know who you have in here. Safety first right?” I responded throwing his words back in his face.
He shook his head before he cracked the door open. I couldn’t peek over his shoulder, so I crouched down to look in the space between his arms where his hand rested on the door knob.
Once I realized who was in the bed, I popped back up with a grin on my face pleased that it was her. Had it been anyone else I would’ve definitely been irked. I knew my brother and what he has been through with Natalia couple years ago that was getting passed around like a hot potato. That was the last straw for him. He was already dealing with our mothers no good ass, so for another female to betray him it seem like he gave up on that idea of love and was currently slaying tons of bitches. He was low key a hot head, but he loved hard which is why he didn’t love at all. Just like he thinks no one deserved me, I thought the same as well.
Corryn definitely got a pass. I liked her. When I went to her salon we had a long conversation. She actually did my nails which gave me the opportunity to get to know her. She was sweet, soft spoken and friendly. I’ve been in Philly all my life and frequented plenty businesses and never got the vibe she gave off. Plus, Mar couldn’t keep his eyes off her.
“Well, you do a great job of keeping me out of the loop. How? When did this happen? Wait! Is she okay?” I belted out all at once when I realized she was passed out in the middle of the day.
My feet moved to barge into the room. Being as though Amare was quicker than me, he was able to push me back and shut the door.
“She’s sleep.”
“I want to make sure she’s okay.”
> “She is. I got her. You got your answers so go do me the favor I asked.”
Cutting my eyes at him I held out my hand for the money. Amare went inside of his pants pocket and pulled out a roll and peeled off a few bills for me.
I would’ve asked for a little extra as a convenience fee but since I approved of Corryn, I went along my merry way.
Surprisingly, for it to be a nice day I made it to Target in record time. I had to get myself a few things, so I grabbed a cart and answered my ringing phone as I entered the store.
It was Jake FaceTiming me. I didn’t feel like answering, but I knew he was going to call me back to back if I didn’t.
“Yes Jake,” I sighed.
“Where’s your brother? I thought you left me to run to him.”
“Who the fuck is that?”
I stopped in my tracks when I heard a familiar deep voice and locked eyes with Wesley. My mouth dropped at the sight of him. Not from shock, but from how good he looked. His Caesar haircut was lined to perfection as if he just stepped out of the barber’s chair. It didn't help that his cologne was so intoxicating either.
Snatching my phone from my hand Wesley glared into the screen.
“Who the fuck you think you’re talking to?”
“I was just asking-”
“Don’t ask her shit and when you speak to her don’t be raising your goddamn voice. You sound like a little ass girl.”
The way Wesley was barking at Jake had me embarrassed for him, but it served him right. He never met his match. Usually money brought him out of everything, but Wesley was beyond his match and pockets was just as deep. Probably deeper. Jake ain’t have the money, it was his parents.
When I heard Jake apologizing I was no more good. Wesley hung up on him and stuffed my phone into my back pocket before he eyed them and ran his tongue across his lips causing me to squeeze my thighs together.
“Why the hell you got them on?”
Snapping out of my lustful thoughts I screwed my face up at him.
“Because it’s hot and I’m grown.”
I was simply dressed in a pair of destroyed cut off shorts, and a yellow Cami top.
“Yeah a’ight. You gonna get somebody hurt.”