When A Hood Legend Claims It All Page 9
My eyes dropped from Wesley’s handsome face to his hand that adjusted the large print in his blue Nike short.
Me. Hurt me.
Now I was the one licking my lips imagining him rearranging my insides with that.
“Who's gonna get hurt?”
“That nut ass boyfriend of yours for one. Let me find out he acting stupid again, I’ll make sure his pretty boy ass is eating from a straw for the next couple months squeaking at you like he’s crazy.”
I giggled from his response. “Please, I can handle Jake, but why do you care so much?”
“Because I do.”
I narrowed my eyes at Wesley and he smirked. This was normal. Outsiders would say we bickered like brother and sister but his blood wasn’t running through my veins so in my eyes he was always fair game. Growing up I use to be so infatuated with him.
He was always so handsome, but now he was sexy. With that beard surrounding his kissable lips and strong tattooed body. Jake was shaped like a little boy in comparison to him.
Hearing a woman dramatically clearing her throat broke us from our daze. I shot her a look and she rolled her eyes basically begging for me to close them.
Kesha was some uppity bitch he had the nerve to be with. She was 5’9” light skin, honey colored eyes and a body like a Victoria secret model. She grew up in Wyncote but swore it was Philly just because it was on the other side of Cheltenham Ave. If you asked her she had Wesley wrapped around her finger, but I begged to differ because whenever I saw him there were bitches galore. That wasn’t my business though.
I didn’t like her. It could’ve been for other reasons but the main one was that she was a bitch. Funny Wesley and I were dealing with two squares.
“You’re thirsty?” I questioned since she wanted to be clearing her throat.
“No, but I can tell you are.”
I went to go after her but Wesley placed his hands on my stomach to stop me.
“Thirsty? Trust me, there’s other bitches that’s draining that pipe.”
She frowned and shot Wesley a look who looked like he wanted to kill me, but oh well. That was his issue.
“Well don’t let me hold you up,” I spat rolling my eyes now at the thought of him acting like he gave a fuck about her getting mad. Fuck him and her!
Kesha stomped her mad ass off and now I was laughing.
“Now I gotta go kiss her ass. Why did you do that?”
“Go see about ya girl, Wes,” I responded smacking his hands off me. He looked like he wanted to say something but blew out a deep breath.
“I’ll holla at you, and don’t have that nigga talking to you crazy. After I beat his ass I’m coming for you.”
At this point I was over Wesley, so I continued to push my cart.
Wait! Why are you upset?
He wasn’t my man.
Peeling my eyes open, I rolled over on the pillow soft bed and rested my hand on my aching head. Staring up at the recessed lighting in the ceiling gave away that I was no longer at the Marriott which startled the hell out of me.
“Shit!” I groaned after popping up too fast.
Scanning the room with my eyes, I took in that I was in a bedroom. Nothing fancy just a queen-sized bed and a TV that hung on the wall across from the bed.
“Where the hell am I?” I thought to myself.
When I saw a piece of paper on the nightstand next to me, I lifted it and read it and felt a little indifferent that I was in Amare’s house but couldn’t remember a thing. Inwardly I cringed thinking about what I probably revealed.
After the visit from Mrs. Wallace I immediately packed my Louis Luggage with clothes and shoes to last me a week and left my keys on the floor near the door before I exited the condo.
After ordering an Uber, I made a call to Sprint to change my phone number, then I sent Sharita a heads up that I wasn’t going to make it to the Salon and that I really needed her to step up for the next couple days. She wanted to know what was wrong but I didn’t have it in me to reveal the ugly truth, so I told her I was going to catch her up to speed once I came back.
Well, a couple days turned into over a week. After I ran out of fresh clothes I sat in my own filth only waking up and leaving the hotel to purchase another bottle of liquor. I slept, cried, threw up and cried some more for days. Part of that process I didn’t recall having contact with Amare but I was glad he came and got me because I probably would’ve drank myself to death.
Wrinkling my nose from my foul stench, I scooted to the end of the bed, and feebly stood to my feet. I popped the two Advil’s in my mouth, twisted the top off of the bottle and swallowed them hoping it brought some relief to my headache.
Going into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom, I found everything he stated on the paper in place and waiting for me. I quickly got up out of the stale ass clothes I had on and got inside of the shower allowing the water to rain down on me.
I spent almost an hour getting my body clean and thinking about the entire almost eight years I spent with Pitt. It didn’t hurt anymore. I wasn’t sad. I wasn’t angry. I was numb.
Even with a broken heart and years of lies I was trying to make sense of, I had to move on and live for me, so that’s what I decided I was going to do.
Stepping out of the shower, I bent over and gathered my hair and twisted it into a sloppy bun. I then dried off, went back into the bedroom and applied lotion to my body before putting on the short and tank sleep set that was folded neatly on the bed
By the time I was done, the smell of bacon floating in the air had my stomach rumbling reminding me I could use some food.
Carefully opening up the door, I peeked my head out before I left out of the room and tiptoed down the stairs. Following the smell, I expected to see Amare in the kitchen, but was surprised to see Amena who almost dropped the pan of hot bacon grease on her feet.
“Lord! Give me a warning next time!”
I sulked. “I’m so sorry. I smelled food and thought it was Amare cooking.”
“Girl better me than him,” she responded using the tongs in her hand to transfer the bacon onto a plate. “He doesn’t take to well with people walking up on him.”
Walking into the kitchen my eyes focused on the two plates and I was salivating looking at it. Amena laughed and passed me a plate after she placed some bacon on it.
“Where is he?”
“Probably playing ball. He wakes up early in the morning and shoot around by himself for a few hours to start his day.” As she spoke my eyes were on the food and she giggled. “I figured you’d be hungry.”
“Hungry is an understatement. I am starving.”
She giggled and took her plate to the island where I sat across from her. Lifting the bacon, I stuffed it into my mouth enjoying the salty warm goodness.
“You don’t know how bad I needed this,” I admitted holding my hand up to my mouth so she wouldn’t see the food.
“I do. You were out cold.”
“Oh my God,” I whined. “Was I that bad?”
She laughed again showing off the craters in her cheek. Amena was gorgeous. Her skin was a beautiful mahogany color and she also had dark, thick long lashes that covered her eyes just like Amare’s. That was the one similarity they had that was a dead giveaway that they were related. “No. Just sleep. Bossy Amare sent me to get some stuff for you. I wasn’t trying to invade your privacy but I washed and folded your clothes and put them in the dresser.”
After chewing the buttery soft eggs, I smiled at Amena’s hospitality. It was almost as if she was welcoming me to stay. I didn’t belong here in the first place. Regardless if I was done with Pitt this wasn’t the way I wanted things to go.
I was fresh up off a break up. I needed time for myself.
Why was I thinking like this?
Being at Amare’s house didn’t mean we were going to change vows.
“So… are you and my brother a thing? Or it’s just sex?” Amena questioned
me with a serious expression.
I almost choked off the orange juice that I was drinking holding my hand in front of my mouth so I wouldn’t get it all over the island and our food.
Amena balled her face up. “Sorry, I don’t tend to beat around the bush.”
“I see,” I laughed taking a napkin from the holder to wipe my hand.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized again.
“No need to apologize. I get it. I’m sure there are a lot of girls that have been in my position.”
My eyes ended up rolling at the thought.
“To be frank, I’m sure there are women he fucked, but no one and I mean no one been in your shoes. Mar is big on privacy. He doesn’t trust too many people so the only people that’s been here are his two friends.”
“What about your friends?”
“What friends?” she chuckled. “I’m way too busy to make friends. Between my needy boyfriend, graduating from school and maintaining our businesses I don’t have time for anyone.”
“That doesn’t sound like fun,” I looked at her in disbelief as she shrugged her shoulders. “You’re young and should be enjoying your life.”
“I will love to do that but my brother act like I’m twelve instead of twenty one. He doesn’t want me to date anyone because men would break my heart or get close to me just to get close to him,” she explained. “I’m pretty sure if I became friends with a female they would think it’s an opportunity to date Mar.”
We both ended up rolling our eyes and laughed. I didn’t mean to make it that obvious that I was feeling Amare that much, but it was true. While I was upset up at the lie I was living I couldn’t keep my mind off him which I’m sure is why I was in his house.
“Y’all two are trying too hard,” she said, shaking her head.
Lifting the fork full of eggs to my mouth, I chewed, swallowed and took a sip of juice. “Trying too hard how?”
“I can tell there’s something there between you and him. I don’t want to know the details but I see it and feel it with him. Mar, is doing things he’s never done. He was with this girl named Natalia since high school. She pretty much been there through the rough patches in our life with our father and mother. One day going over her house another man was walking to the door and ran down her whole rap sheet to him before apologizing for sleeping with her.” Although it was a serious matter, I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Why would he apologize to Mar for that?”
“Because everyone knows how Mar can get,” she chortled. “With that being said he doesn’t fuck with Natalia all like that.”
We both fell quiet and continued to enjoy our meal until she spoke again.
“What brought you here passed out drunk?”
I pushed my empty plate away from me and crossed my arms under my breast. Since the whole situation I haven’t told anyone so it felt weird to say it out loud, but at this point what else did I have to lose?
“I found out my boyfriend is married.” Amena’s eyes got wide and I felt the need to add that it was a done deal between us. “Ex-boyfriend. About a week ago and the woman showed up revealing she was married to him and threw hella shade. I packed up my shit and left,” I sighed slowly remembering what my days were filled with. “What was supposed to be time for me to clear my head was days spent drinking and feeling sorry for myself.”
“I was in a relationship with a married man for the past seven years. I’m not that kind of person,” I shamefully explained.
“And even though it happened you’re still not. Don’t carry his baggage on your shoulders. I’m sure he’s not wearing a ring and from the look on your face and tone in your voice you had no clue.”
Amena wasn’t my age, but she showed she was very mature. It could be because she grew up with her brother who seemed like he was strict, but either way she was a wise young lady.
“So what now?” she asked me.
“I’m done. If he can hide a marriage, lord knows what else he’s hiding,” I said with an eye roll.
“Seven years is a long time.”
“Exactly, so imagine how I felt.”
Amena gave me the look that had me shaking my head. “Ain’t nothing on this earth that can make me want to get back with him,” I clarified.
“Even if he gets a divorce?”
“I still wouldn’t want him.”
This time Amena beamed. “Good. You can sit here and say it’s not like that between you and Mar, but I know it is. Y’all need to stop fronting and take the next step. Just don’t hurt him. He’s been through enough.”
“Who been through enough?” my heart dropped hearing his deep voice.
“Mind your business. It’s girl talk,” Amena stated winking her eye at me as she pushed her chair back.
She got up and placed her plate in the kitchen sink before running away so he wouldn’t grip her up. A smile spread across my face watching them interact. I always wanted a sibling but my mother was adamant about being one and done. My father bounced on us before I was born so it was just me, her and Trina.
I made the mistake of looking his way and my body burned from the memory of his touch. My eyes scanned him from head to toe, taking in his chiseled chest to the ball shorts that hung low exposing the top of his briefs.
My eyes traveled lower and I was done. A warm feeling took over my body as I tried to swallow my heart in my throat.
Amare had the most unexplainable presence. Every time I laid eyes on him a knot of sensation burned my center. “You like what you see?” he cockily asked even though his back was now facing me. “I can feel you looking.”
My eyes rolled. “You’re feeling yourself,” I stated rising from my seat to go clean my dishes.
He chortled taking my plate from out of my hand before placing it in the sink and then cupped my face forcing me to bore into his chestnut colored eyes. The gesture sent another wave of heat over me.
“You’re okay? How you sleep?”
Sucking in a deep breath, I moved my head up and down as I gazed into his eyes almost afraid to look away. Amare was so strong. His demeanor was intimidating but the feel of his hands on me had me melting.
“Pretty good,” I responded after clearing my throat. “I can’t believe I’m here right now. Did I really call you?”
“You did.”
That was something I couldn’t recall, so I didn’t say anything.
“Mind telling me what’s going on?” he questioned letting me go and disappointing my little heart.
“Not really, but from the look on your face you won’t take no for an answer.”
He folded his arms across his chest, leaning on the counter and shrugged his shoulders. “It doesn’t matter.”
That ice-cold personality returned and he went and got a plate of food out of the microwave Amena must’ve put to the side for him.
“My boyfriend was married. His wife came to my condo the next day after I left the club and basically told me I was getting her sloppy leftovers. I’ve been in that hotel room for days trying to figure out what I did to deserve some shit like that.”
Waiting for a response, I watched intently as he stabbed the hash browns with his fork and then shoved it into his mouth.
“You knew about her?”
I frowned from his question. “Absolutely not.”
“Listen, I’m not here to judge you.”
“It pretty much sound like you are,” I spat fully annoyed with the fact that he even asked that question. A little too understanding given his circumstance of business, but I wasn’t that weak or naive to accept no shit like that. Why would I share a man when there were so many single ones out there?
What made it worse is that Amare blankly stared at me like he was reading me out which further irritated me.
“You know what,” I laughed to mask my anger. “Let me go. Thank you for helping me out. I’ll repay you for everything that was purchased.”
I went to storm pas
s him, but he caught my arm in his hand to stop me.
“I wasn’t trying to offend you. I’m trying to make sense of the situation. Men don’t hide their wives.”
My mouth dropped, but then I shut it realizing what he was saying. I snatched my arm from his grip and then pushed him into the counter.
“So you knew? You fucking knew he had a wife when you came to my shop? Is that why you was all over me in the club!”
“To keep it one hunnid, I did, but that shit wasn’t my place. Bitches gossip and whatever that man did with his life is on him. I really ain’t think you was his girl, but shit no one gonna lie about no shit like that. I do know you deserve better. It’s his loss.”
My sour expression didn’t change even though he offered me an apologetic look.
“How you figure if I wasn’t good enough for the truth?”
His jaw tightened from my comment. “You’re good enough for the truth. Pitt just wasn’t man enough to admit the shit. He obviously knew he was going to take a loss. Fuck that nigga though, I’m done discussing him and his shit. What you’re not going to do is hold me accountable for his fuck ups. You’re here for a reason and I’d hate that what I’m trying to do won’t fall through.”
Amare went back to eating his breakfast calm as ever as if he didn’t just tell me about myself.
“What is it that you’re trying to do?”
Amare ran his tongue over his lips and peered at me that had my pussy pulsing. “I’m not even sure to be honest. I can admit though; I want you bad as shit.”
The hunger in his eyes had my heart racing and my breathing shallow. I didn’t need another situation where I ended up hurt. Amare was like that flame I knew I should stay away from but I was open to get burned.
Dropping the fork on his plate, he closed in the space between us. I backed up into the island until his body was flush against mine and he immediately covered my lips with his taking me by surprise. Even though I was telling myself I needed to focus on me, my heart and body went against my mind craving Amare like a dope addict.
His tongue urged my lips apart and swept into my mouth, shifting the kiss from persuasive to demanding. Grabbing me by my waist, he lifted me off my feet and sat me on the island. He paused and licked his lips as he devoured me with his eyes. My body shivered feeling his fingers at the hem of my shorts before he slipped them into the opening and found my bud.