When A Hood Legend Claims It All Read online

Page 6

  In my eyes he was ugly as fuck, but the bag he carried made up for what he lacked in the looks department. That and the package between his legs, I loved to sit on from time to time.

  “Yes, daddy,” I responded licking my lips seductively.

  “Good girl. That’s why I fucks with you,” Pitt said counting up a few bills from a stack of bills. It had me looking at him crazy because he normally hit me off with a nice amount which held me over for a while.

  “I think you owe me a little more,” I said staring at the bills he passed over to me. It had to be a thousand dollars. It was more than what I collected at the club but I couldn’t get a bag out of Gucci with that kind of money.

  “Shit is tough right now baby girl, but you know I got you. My connect is acting crazy and my cousin just got out of jail, so she’s trying to make all these unnecessary changes to the oppertation that’s just going to throw everything off. I have a lot on my plate. I’m ready to split this shit in half and part ways with her for real for real, but that would mean we gotta start from scratch.”

  Deep down I was growing impatient of always waiting. These days it was always an excuse as to why we couldn’t take our relationship to the next level. It was sickening playing number two while Corryn basked in the glory of thinking she was the one and only.

  Instead of expressing myself, I forced a smile on my face.

  “I understand.”

  “I promise you, when I get shit straight I’m going to buy you the biggest ring out there. Continue to be patient and I’ma give you the world.”

  Pitt grabbed my thigh and slid them upward until his hand was touching my center. “Now come show your man why you’re worth taking his last name.”

  Climbing over the console of his Jaguar, I straddled his lap as he released his monster and rubbed it at my opening smearing my juices on my slit. I hated playing the background sometimes, but I knew in the end it would all be worth it.


  “So where’s this friend?” I questioned Sharita noticing she hasn't mentioned or shown me this guy that invited her to the party.

  As long as I knew Sharita she never mentioned dealing with any one so I was curious as to who this guy was and what he meant to her. Friend could mean anything now a days. I just hoped it was someone that wouldn’t cross her or put her in a situation she couldn’t get out of.

  I followed the direction of her pointed gaze and gasped when I realized she was looking at the same guy that was shoving his dick down Trina’s throat.

  “I am so sorry,” I apologized. “I don’t know how you were able to sit there and watch that knowing—”

  She cut me off. “Girl, Kenton isn’t nothing to me but a dick to sit on when I feel like it. I vowed to practice celibacy but those nights hit different when the batteries of your bullet die on you. Don’t you ever apologize for Trina again. I know that’s ya home gil, but she’s a hoe. Nothing she does surprises me.”

  “So you’re not upset?”

  “Absolutely not. We have an understanding. Years of being locked away I’ve managed to do the same with my feelings.”

  I placed my hand on my chest. “Well excuse me, I thought we were close. All jokes aside, I thought you were gay. You never mentioned him.”

  “We are, and trust me when I find Mr. Right, I will gladly let you know every detail. The dick is bomb, but he ain’t nothing to brag about,” she told me pointing at Kenton who was surrounded by a bunch of women.

  I nodded my head trying to understand where she was coming from. There was no way a man I was dealing with was going to invite me somewhere and not acknowledge me. However, Sharita wasn’t sweating him.

  As we sat in the VIP section, I sang along to the lyrics blasting through out the club and sipped on my drink. With having a salon that was open seven days a week going out almost never happened. It was refreshing to go out and have a good time instead of sticking to my old lady routine of climbing in bed after a long day of work.

  It felt weird being in the same area as Amare because it was extremely difficult to keep my eyes off him. Every time my eyes landed on him he shamelessly was staring at me. Didn’t blink or look away, even with me rolling my eyes as I changed my view.

  Cocky ass nigga.

  “You don’t want to go look for your friend? She’s been gone a while?” Sharita asked me.

  “I sent her a text asking if she was okay. She liked my message. I’m not about to kiss her ass for something I didn’t do.”

  She burst out laughing. “Why would she suck his dick out in the open like that?”

  I just shrugged because I was lost for words. I knew how she got down but I ain’t think it was like that.

  “Are y’all gonna sit there and ignore each other all night?”

  Her asking me that, had me turn and look at Amare again, who sat comfortably with his legs shoulder width apart slouched on the couch with his hand gripped around a bottle of White Henny he was balancing in his lap. His eyes were still trained on me and as annoyed as I acted it was turning me on. It had to be the amount of alcohol I consumed.

  “I don’t have nothing to say to him. You saw his little girlfriend walked up on us.”

  Twisting her body around as if she was looking for someone or something. “Girlfriend where? I don’t see that bitch.”

  “Well she’s something. Plus–”

  Sharita cut me off. “You’re with Pitt. I wish you would stop saying that shit. You’re a smart girl. A nigga that don’t come home is occupied and it ain’t the streets keeping him busy. Take it from me.”

  Turning up the drink in my hand I finished it off and stood to my feet to go use the bathroom. Say some shit like that about a month ago I would have defended our relationship but the way my gut twisted during the lonely nights I tossed and turned in our bed alone, I knew she was right. I just didn’t have any proof. He wasn’t around for me to try and find out either. I got accustomed to it though. Right now I wasn’t feeling him and was questioning at this point if there was a reason to continue.

  The VIP section had two unisex bathrooms right next to each other. Before entering I knocked on the door and then twisted the knob to step inside.

  Once the door was locked, I pulled up my dress and tried to search for the underwear I didn’t have on but quickly remembered from the cut outs in it wouldn’t make sense to even put a thong on. After relieving my bladder I wiped myself, flushed and went over to the sink to wash my hands.

  Giving myself one more look over, I walked over to the door and pulled it open only to jump back once I noticed Amare was leaned up coolly against the threshold.

  “You scared the shit out of me!” I said with my hand on my chest. He stepped in and shut the door behind him while pushing in the lock.

  “I’ve been trying to get you by yourself all night.”

  Damn, he looked good.

  Underneath the bright white bathroom light I was able to get a good look at him. He was simply dressed in a nicely fitted Milano T shirt, moto style jeans and fresh black Timbs on his feet. What stood out the most was the watch on his wrist and the many gold Cuban link chains around his neck.

  “I don’t know why. Let me go, before your girlfriend come looking for you.”

  I tried to step around him, but he stopped me looping his arm around my waist and pulled me back close to him like he did earlier. This time burying his face in the crook of my neck sending an electric current through my body and to my clit.

  “If I had a girl I wouldn’t be here.”

  “Well I got a man.”

  “I can’t tell. The way ya body is shaking and that look in your eyes telling me something different. I bet that pussy wet too.”


  The sound of his low baritone voice near my ear had me HOT! I knew I shouldn’t have been so comfortable in his arms, or even in this bathroom with him but my body wouldn’t move. My mind wasn’t registering that everything about this was wrong. It felt too good.

Being enclosed in his arms, with my breast pressed firmly against his sculpted chest, inhaling his intoxicating scent was all making me so weak.

  I sighed when I felt his hands slide down from my waist to my ass before he lifted my dress and discovered I was panty-less. I felt his dick hard against my stomach.

  “I want you bad as fuck.”

  Amare kissed the side of my neck and then my cheek until his lips found mine and locked into a deep sensual kiss that had my knees buckling.

  “I can’t… shit,” I moaned when I felt his hand rubbing on my pussy. I was protesting but willingly opened my legs welcoming his fingers to my swollen bud. “I’m not supposed to…”

  Amare was swallowing every word I said with a kiss. I can taste the mixture of weed and liquor on his breath as our tongues tangle.

  He was so gentle with me as he kept telling me, giving me the softest kisses and telling me how much he wanted me. Knocking down my wall of faithfulness with every second.

  When he slipped his finger into my hole, my body shuddered and he grunted from the way my pussy pulsed around his finger.

  “Tell me how it feels…”

  “It feels so good… please don’t stop,” I murmured as he fingered me in the bathroom. My legs felt like jello, so he backed me up against the wall and inserted another finger curving it so he can hit my spot. The more he worked his finger in and out of me my body got tense as my temperature rose. I felt my body ready to climax and all he did was magically work his fingers.

  “Shit, shit, shit!” I panted once I coated his entire hand.

  Breathing heavily, he took his finger out of me and slipped it into my mouth allowing me to taste some of my sweet juices before he kissed my lips again.

  Leaning his forehead against mine we stared at each other catching our breaths. Instead of thinking about Pitt and how he would feel my mind was wondering why he stopped. Amare pecked my lips one last time before he went over to the sink to wash his hands, dried them and left me yearning for more of him.


  Leaning against the glass wall of the elevator, I closed my eyes and thought about last night. I was tipsy, but very aware of what went down.

  Now that it was the next day and just about all the liquid courage was out of my system guilt began to overcome me. I wasn’t happily in a relationship, but I was in one and monogamy and honesty meant everything to me.

  Pitt was a lot of things but he never cheated on me, at least not to my knowledge. However, nowadays I was questioning what was taking up his time. He always said business, but he had this same business the first day I met him. What’s changed?

  I always prided myself on not beating myself up about the what if’s. What’s done in the dark always comes to light. I wasn’t sure if Pitt was stepping out on me, but it was a fact that I did on him.

  I was officially a cheater.

  Granted, Amare just played in my pussy, but it was still wrong. Right!

  And as bad as it was, I couldn’t shake the feeling of how good it felt. Amare was everything I imagined and then some. With Pitt being my first and only I thought sex with him was AMAZING, but what Amare did to my body was addicting. It made Pitt seem like a teenaged boy losing his virginity comparison to the orgasm Amare put me through and there was no dick or oral sex involved.

  The way he had my body twisting, turning, shuttering and climaxing still had me in a daze. If he can have me so weak off his touch imagine the dick!

  Oh my god! How was I thinking about sex with another man when I was coming home to mine?

  The thought of Pitt turned my stomach. I reached inside of my bag and noticed my phone that was dead was fully charged, but there wasn’t any missed calls or text messages from Pitt. Sharita must’ve looked out and put it on the charger for me when we got back to her place. I was only supposed to crash for a nap but slept well into the morning.

  I prayed God was on my side and gave me the opportunity to freshen up and get a few hours of sleep before I went to the salon since Sharita was opening.

  The chiming of the elevator snatched me out of my guilty conscious. I stepped off and then headed to door with my key in hand. As soon as I got inside the first thing I did was abandon the painful ass Jimmy Choo’s and tossed my purse on the chaise with my phone in hand. The condo was exactly how I left it which was a sure sign that Pitt didn’t return home. I should’ve been happy that I could possibly get away with not being home my damn self but it didn’t make sense that I couldn’t count on my partner being in bed with me.

  Reminding myself that I needed a few hours of sleep, I shook the negative thoughts from my head and proceeded to the kitchen. Just as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, my phone chimed in my hand almost scaring me to death.

  Let me know when you’re in.

  At first I thought it was Pitt but realized it couldn’t have been anyone but Amare since it was an unsaved number. Sharita had to have given him my number. Staring at the screen of my phone, I leaned up against the countertop with my hand holding the water bottle crossed under my boobs as it support my arm. Sinking my teeth into my lip, I welcomed the warm feeling swirling inside me. The fact he went out of his way to get it and check in on me meant something.

  Choosing that it was best not to respond, I took my behind to the bathroom to wash away my sins of last night.


  I don’t know how long I was asleep but it felt like every bit of five minutes. I growled, smashing the pillow over my face hearing my doorbell ringing. Whoever it was proved they weren’t going anywhere, so I tossed it to the side and reached over for my phone that was next to me. It was actually a minute before my alarm was about to sound for me to get up anyway.

  Taking the covers off me, I swung my feet over the side of the bed and stood sucking my teeth hearing the doorbell again.

  I wasn’t expecting anyone, so whoever was at my door just better have had a good reason to be at it.

  After I got my robe from behind the door, I secured it around my body and marched to the front of the condo like a mad woman. Hungry, tired, pissed and guilty was a bad ass combination.

  “May I help you?” I asked swinging the door open and staring at the woman that was on the other side dead in her face.

  Slowly, she dragged her eyes from the tips of my toes to my face before she smirked and responded, “Yes, you may. Being as though I can no longer let me self in,” she said, holding up a set of keys. “I guess I should be asking ‘May I come in?’.”

  Screwing my face up, I looked at her as if she was crazy, so she ambled in side taking in every inch of the condo.

  Quickly assessing her, I took note of the red bottoms on her feet, the YSL bag on her shoulder and the floral scent that lingered after her. She wasn’t the police, so who was she?

  “Excuse me, I didn’t invite you in my place.”

  She whipped around quickly staring me in my face. “Invite me in? I was being polite by asking since you’ve been shaking up here, but I don’t need an invite into a place I own.”

  My head jerked back. As fly as she looked, it had to be crack she was on. I’m sure them functional ones tripped every now and again. “I’m sorry. I had a long night and I’m kind of confused as to why you’re here.”

  Placing her hands on her wide hips she smiled. It wasn’t a friendly one either that had me wishing I grabbed something before I went to go open the door.

  “I’m Mrs. Wallace.”

  She held out her hand. I looked down at it and then back up at her face. She laughed and dropped her hand down.

  Was I missing the joke?

  I looked outside of the door just in case I was being Punk’d and cameras started popping out.

  “I’m sure Peter hasn’t told you about me. And honestly I’m not even surprised. He has a hard time explaining himself, so he does what he wants and expect everyone to fall in line,” this Mrs. Wallace said.

  “Miss Wallace?”

  “Mrs.,” she corrected me. “P
eter and I are married. Been married for over twenty years. Since I was eighteen to be more accurate. I can explain if you have the time.” She walked further into the condo towards the sectional and took a seat.

  Shutting the door, I locked it and joined her in the living room. Amongst everything I was feeling, this shit took the cake. I wanted to ask her if she was lying but this woman was way too confident to not be telling the truth.

  “I can admit it. He sure do know how to pick them. You’re beautiful. I’m pretty sure business is doing well because it’s been what … almost seven-eight years?” she rambled looking me over. Even though she was complimenting me, I could tell she was green with envy.

  While she was busy sizing me up I was trying to process everything she threw my way. Did I miss the signs? Was I that much in love that I haven’t paid attention?

  “I know you have a lot of questions, but long story short. Peter is My husband. I’ve been locked up for ten years over a gun charge that he should’ve taken. Because of me he became a very rich man,” she sighed flipping her shoulder length hair over her shoulders. “Of course the business I left behind in his care is not doing as well as I would like,” she continued, “But I see why. Peter has been occupied.” She looked me up and down with a slight snarl on her face.

  Running my tongue on the inside of my lip, I shook my head. “I just don’t get it. If you’re here you knew about me–”

  “This is my home, Corryn. He changed the locks because he knew the minute I was released I was coming back which is why he found every excuse for me not to come home. I knew about you, but he always down played it and said it was just business. Your family was struggling and we needed another place to put up product, blah, blah, blah.”

  “WHAT?!” I exclaimed hearing all the lies he told.

  This time a more cheerful smile spread across Mrs. Wallace’s face. She leaned back on the sofa and got comfortable crossing one long leg over the next. This was making her feel good.

  “Listen, I’m not here to fight or argue about what’s mine or compare stories. I’ve known Peter for years. This is what he does and I can’t even be mad at him. He’s a man and they will always do what they do best. But I am the wife. My name is on this condo. Everything he got, my family built and he’s destroying it in all honesty,” she told me pointing her finger to her chest. “Your time is up. The Queen is here to reclaim her throne.”