When A Hood Legend Claims It All Read online
Page 11
“We got an issue. I need you here ASAP.”
Walking over to my dresser, I held my phone pressed to my head with my shoulder so I could get dressed. Corryn made it known that she was going to handle some business while I had every intention of falling back. From the looks of it I had some of my own to tend to as well.
“What the fuck is going on?” I questioned him stepping into some sweats after I got on some briefs.
“We have a visitor who’s dying to see you.”
Hearing that had me up and out of the bed ready to see what was up.
“How long he’s been waiting for me.”
“An hour. He’s impatient.”
My eyes landed on Corryn who looked concerned from my outburst. The seconds of silence gave me an opportunity to hear someone’s muffled screams.
I pressed end on the call and glanced at Corryn who was getting dressed herself.
“Is everything okay?” she questioned me.
“For the most part yeah. I gotta make a run. I don’t know how long I will be. But where the hell you think you’re going? Keep your ass here.”
“I do have a business to run, sir, but I gotta stop past my mom place. Apparently she knows I left Pitt and been sending me emails begging me to get in contact with her,” she stated walking up on me and circling her arms around my waist. “As much as I love to lay up with you I can’t keep putting everything on Sharita and driving my mom insane.”
She lifted her head and puckered her lips. I met mine with hers not liking the idea of her leaving. I was accustomed to coming home and having her here. It was selfish as fuck but the connection was crazy so it only made sense that I felt that way.
“Once I get everything settled I’ll come back. My mom and I are close, so she’s probably having a panic attack.”
“A’ight,” I reluctantly said. I should’ve been concerned about the life I knew I had to take but I was inwardly wondering when I was going to see her again. It was clear she didn’t have anywhere to stay and I was cool on her being here with me.
“So are you going to explain what’s going on or it’s none of my business?”
“None of your business,” I told her quickly pecking her lips.
There was no debate after that and I was happy she understood instead of arguing me down about being a part of my life. Yes, my hustle was a big part but she didn’t need to know everything about that. She completely understood and finished getting dressed. We were out the crib in ten minutes flat. After putting in the address to her mother's place in Logan we drove in silence. I double parked the car and got out to open her door. The moment she stood to her feet she stood on her tiptoes, wrapped her arms around my neck as best as she could and gave me a soft sensual kiss.
“Be safe,” she said with a serious expression that almost had me feeling bad that she was somewhat worried. I was good though. As low key as I was my name was heavy in these streets. Niggas feared me as much as they respected me.
“I’m good,” I assured her.
Giving her another kiss. We released each other and I watched her enter her mother's house. Once the door was closed I met up at another trap that was across the city. Kenton was inside waiting with Wes.
“Who is he?” I asked right away. I barely threw my car in park.
Wesley held up his hands to say, ‘he don’t know’ and Kenton shrugged. “He ain’t saying shit. He said to bring you to him. He was caught trying to rob a trap by himself.”
I released a throaty chuckle. Whoever this was had balls. That was stupid as fuck to do which means it was more to the story.
Together we entered the trap in the basement where he sat on a metal chair with his legs bound to the chair and his arms behind his back. Tape covered his mouth.
From the looks of it, Wesley and Kenton did a number on him. One of his eyes were closed. His light brown face was a hue of black and blue and covered with lumps. I also smelled burning flesh which meant Kenton was on his shit again ready to burn the nigga to death.
After pulling the tape from his mouth I took my gun from my pants. I stood in front of him with my finger curled around the trigger.
“The famous Amare Davis is here. I thought they were never going to get you,” the beat-up man laughed.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Me? I’m nobody. But you my friend are a dead man.”
Wesley went to go hit him and he flinched. I stopped Wesley. They’ve been beating his ass all this time and got nothing.
“You might as well kill me! I ain’t telling you shit. I’m here to let you know you’re going down. You will be stripped off every fucking penny, pill, gram of coke, and millimeter of syrup. You’re going to hell right with your father!”
My body reacted before my mind did and I stood frozen staring at the smoking hole in the middle of his forehead.
Snapping out of the trance, I glanced at my friends before I focused back on the nigga in the chair. Thoughts of my father then flooded my mind.
“You think this shit is Pitt?”
I honestly had no clue, but I was going to find out soon enough. There was a great chance it was him trying to send a message.
“I want Pitt, alive. Spread the word that there’s fifty grand on his head.”
“How’s the house been holding up, Ms. Moore?” I asked looking around as I sunk my fork into the homemade Louisiana Crunch cake. It’s been a minute since I’ve been in this house, but with Corryn’s sudden disappearance she left me no choice but to pop up in hopes that she’ll be here.
Her mother loved me and welcomed me with open arms every time I came over. The home was passed down and they were on the verge of losing it until I came up with the cash to not only pay off the debt but also fix it up so it was actually livable. Because of that, I was always good in Ms. Moore’s book.
When I came over half explaining that Corryn and I got into an argument and she was being overly dramatic by leaving and changing her number she stepped right in immediately by reaching out to her. She got a response from Corryn saying she was going to stop by which is why I decided to stay so I can explain the situation and get her back home where she belonged.
The entire situation was fucked up but I loved her. I loved Yvette too and saw no point in losing one over the other. If I made it this long with both of them in my life, they could find a way to either get along or pretend the other didn’t exist. If I kept them both happy, and treated them equally what was the problem?
Yvette was no doubt my ride or die. She took a charge for me and put me on so there was no way I was letting her go. Corryn was my baby though. She had a feisty little mouth but she was the calm to my storm. Both of the women served a purpose in my life.
“The house is fine. I can’t thank you enough for all that you did,” she replied emerging from the kitchen with an ice-cold glass of water, I accepted and turned it up to wash down the cake.
“No need to thank me Ma. That’s what sons are for right?”
She laughed, taking a seat next to me. “I just hope this little battle you and Corryn is going through can be squashed. You are such a good man and I see nothing but great things in the future for you two.”
I nodded my head half listening to her because my phone was going off again. Yvette been on one and insisted on blowing me up to get some attention.
Her mother even noticed and craned her neck to get a view of my phone. “Is that her?”
I quickly silenced the phone and pocketed it. “Nah, just a business partner,” I half lied.
She nodded her head and lifted my now empty plate and glass from the coffee table to take it to the kitchen.
I heard someone at the front door and got excited to see Corryn. It’s been almost two weeks and I was missing her like crazy. Meeting her at the door, in the hallway and smiled at her.
“Wasn’t expecting to see me were you?”
Once it registered that I was in he
r mother’s house, her face balled up and she opened her mouth to say something but her mother’s voice stopped her.
“Corryn? Is that you? What in the hell is going on with you and Peter? And why is your phone number no longer working?”
Corryn cut her eyes at me before responding to her mother. If there was anyone that could get through to her I knew it was going to be her mother.
“Mom, let me handle this real quick and then I will talk to you.”
Ms. Moore looked between the both of us before she threw her hands up in defeat shaking her head.
“Let me mind my business.”
Corryn watched her as she walked away and when she disappeared she went in on me.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
I laughed crossing my arms over my chest. “So that’s how you do it? One little miscommunication and you go ghost. Fuck you were out being a whore?! You were giving away my pussy?!”
For Corryn to be so much smaller than me the impact of her smack stung my face. I rubbed the spot she hit me and grit my teeth reminding myself that we were in her mother's house.
“What I do and who I do it with shouldn’t fucking concern you especially since you’re married. We’re done and I don’t owe you an explanation. Get the hell out of my mother's house.”
Corryn went to move past me but I caught her arm in my hand to pull her back making her face contort into a look that said she wanted to hit me again. Instead she snatched her arm out of my grip and balled up her small fist.
“This is my house!” I reminded her. “You forgot who money paid for this shit when y’all were about to lose it?”
“Yup! Thank you for you and your wife’s money!”
I tongued my cheek from the inside as I peered at her.“Word is that how we doing it? After everything I did for you and your mom? I made you into the bitch that you are today. You’re nothing without me. I don’t know what nigga you got that have you smelling yourself but that shit will be over soon.”
Corryn didn’t flinch or showed she care. Shit, I honestly didn’t know how fucking true it was. I was on a wave at one point but now it was dying down. I had it all figured out though. I already had my business to worry about. The nigga I got to snatch up some of Amare’s work would be enough to put me back in a good place to regain my buyers.
“It’s a good thing I don’t care about any of that shit. Don’t you have a wife to go home to? It’s over Peter, there’s nothing for us to talk about.”
The seriousness in her voice then caused me to panic. I sighed rubbing my hands down my face. “You think I wanted this? I love you CoCo, but I also love Yvette too.”
“Honestly, I have no clue what the hell you wanted. You made her believe I was some charity case that you were using for y’all business you better hope all your shit is out my shop or everything I find is going in the trash.”
This time she moved past me and stopped and faced me. “Leave now or I’m calling the police.”
That threat had me moving towards her like lightning. I backed her into the wall gripping her face in my hand. She smacked it away and gave me a deadly look that had me wondering if a few days with another nigga done changed her drastically.
“Get the hell off me!”
I backed up to give her space and she just stared at me angrily. It was kind of sexy how she was so upset.
“No matter who I’m married to or who you’re bending over for, you belong to me. Don’t forget it.” I began to move to the front door but stopped once my hand touched the handle. “You forgot I run these streets? The minute I find out who got you smelling yaself I’m on their head. I hope you cumming was worth it because that nigga blood is now on ya hands,” I threw over my shoulder.
“You was with her weren’t you?”
Yvette came marching to the door as soon as she heard the alarm go off with her tanned skin flushed red along with her puffy almond shaped eyes. Sighing, I pinched the bridge of my nose not feeling like putting up with her shit. I was already irritated witnessing my girl with another man and now I had to put up with my wife’s shit.
I was debating on telling her no to shut her the fuck up but she was still at my neck yelling and standing with her hands on her hips. “Don’t you dare lie. I got proof of where you been for the past few hours.”
Now that pissed me off. “You keeping tabs on me now? I’m your husband. Not your damn child or pet. I don’t need you stalking me.”
I moved past her and walked further into the three thousand square foot condo I rented for her in Center City. It cost me a lot of money, but I was trying to do anything to shut her the hell up and get her off my case about Corryn. Even with it almost being two weeks since she told her that shit she’s been bringing her up nonstop. For her not want me to mess with that woman she made it hard as hell for me to forget her. It was always “did you do this for her?” And a constant battle to upstage her when she was clearly in a competition by herself.
“What do you expect, Peter? All you’re going to do is lie to me! You did that for ten damn years!” she yelled stomping behind me until her small frame was in front of me. She reminded me so much of Corryn when it came to their height but other than that they were night and day. Yvette was more vocal and aggressive while Corryn had a softer side which is why all the aggression she had towards me took me by surprise.
Truthfully, I wanted Corryn just as much as I wanted Yvette. I just had to figure out how I can get her back.
“Yes, I was with her. I had to get some shit from her. Remember her salon was the stash spot?” I lied.
Yvette’s eyes glossing over pulled at my heartstrings. I didn’t want her to be hurting but she was getting on my damn nerves.
Instead of continuing to hurt her, I pulled her into my arms and kissed the top of her forehead while she burst out into a heavy sob. This wasn’t what I wanted. I had to tighten up. Yvette did so much for me when I ain’t have shit. The least I can do is have her feel secure. I wasn’t leaving her for Corryn, so I thought that was enough security in that gesture.
“You’re not over her Peter.”
“I am. I promise you it’s the last time I will see her. It was just business.”
Wiping her eyes she stepped out of my embrace and walked away. I honestly hoped it was the end of the conversation. I had too much on my plate and trying to keep her emotions in check was something I didn’t want to put up with.
Inhaling a deep breath I went over to the bar and poured me a shot of Henny turning it up immediately. After taking back a few more, I went to the den and threw myself down on the sofa and tried calling my young bull, Manny I had hired to hit up Amare’s spot. If he was going to take over I wasn’t going to step down so easily, but an uneasy feeling balled my stomach knowing he hasn't answered.
Focused on my phone, I didn’t realize Yvette joined me tossing a stick down on my lap. I lifted it and saw in the window it said pregnant.
I didn’t know how to respond. I went thirty-five years without any children and never wanted any while Yvette was forty years old. I wanted to ask her what made her think carrying a child at her age was a smart move but she was already in her feelings and I ain’t want to add salt to her wound.
“It’s either gonna be me and this baby or her. You choose her I promise you; I will see to you it that you will lose everything.”
Leaving me to think about her threat, I picked up the pregnancy test and tossed it across the room. If it wasn't one thing it was the other.
Don’t think you’re off the hook. We have a few things to discuss.
Locking my phone, I placed it back face down on my desk and cradled my pounding head in my hands. My mother wanted to talk about what happened between Pitt and I so bad but honestly it wasn’t her business. She was team Pitt all day because of the things he did for us. If only she knew he only did those things to benefit him.
tting back to work was smoother than I thought. Sharita had this place up and running as if I never left and for that I am thankful. I really didn’t know what I would do without her.
It was day three after I sent Mar a text letting him know I needed time to think things through. Did I really need the time and space? Not at all. I’ve healed and realized searching for answers to questions I had wasn’t worth my peace of mind. Pitt was selfish and a liar. It was best to cut a toxic person off than burden myself wanting to know why they were that way.
I missed Mar so much, but I was terrified of what can happen to him because of me. I didn’t want that on my conscious so I did what I thought was best and distance myself from him. He didn’t respond to my message asking why and it hurt that he didn’t care.
Maybe I was just another notch on his belt.
Knocking on my door snapped me out of my trance. I sat up and told whoever it was to come in and saw it was Sharita.
“Girl, it’s nice to see you’re back but it’s obvious you ain’t here with us? I gave you enough time to process whatever it is, but now it’s time to tell me what’s going on.”
She pulled up the chair that sat in front of my desk crossing her legs ready to hear what I had to say.
“Where do I start?” I sighed, wondering if I should begin with my first night with Mar or the first encounter with Mrs. Wallace. “Pitt is married. The woman showed up to the condo and made it clear she knew about me.” I explained and then waved my hand around the shop, “this was just a stash house. He did me a favor by helping me get my salon and in return I’m hiding his product.”
As I further explained the situation, Sharita’s face contorted into many different expressions until she was at the edge of her seat with the nastiest scowl.
“I swear to God, I ain’t trying to go back to jail. But let me find any drugs in here and I’m selling that shit. Matter of fact, I’m giving the shit away for free! I heard that shit was dookie anyway!” she snapped making me crack the fuck up.
“I don't want that shit in here let alone have you touch it. You get caught with it then what?”