When A Hood Legend Claims It All Read online
Page 12
“I know a few people that would take it off my hands quick. I’m not into that life anymore, but it’s like once you’re in you're still connected unless you’re a snitch, but that’s a different story.”
I shrugged my shoulders not giving a fuck what she did honestly. I had the locks changed so Pitt couldn’t get in even if he wanted to.
“Speaking of stories… I’m not quite finished with this one,” Interrupted screwing my face up in a nervous expression.
Sharita raised her eyebrows which made my stomach twisted up in knots. “I’ve been with Amare the past couple days. After I found out about Pitts bullshit I was in a hotel drinking my pain away until I called Mar drunk to come get me.”
Now she was squealing stomping her feet on the floor. “See I was going to mind my business but since we’re on the topic… please tell me you sampled the package.”
“Sample?! A full course meal! Bitch, I’m still recovering.”
Sharita hopped up out of her seat and held out her hand for a high five. “That’s what I’m talking about. Fuck that nigga Pitt. The way you’re grinning I can tell he makes you happier than you were with him.”
I smiled thinking about the couple nights I fell asleep in his arms and talking to him all night. It felt so right, but I couldn’t risk his life because Pitt didn’t know how to let go.
My door swung open and Trina walked in dramatically swinging her long Brazilian over her shoulders. Everyone knocked besides her which irritated my soul.
“Well I’m glad to see you’re back.”
Sharita stood up from her chair to leave as she got comfortable on my couch.
“Sharita you don’t gotta go,” Trina taunted her.
“I do. Some of us have work to do.”
“See that’s why I don’t like that bitch,” Trina quipped as soon as the door shut. Sharita probably wasn’t paying her any mind because that word easily got people slapped.
“Watch your mouth… she didn’t disrespect you so don’t disrespect her,” I addressed her getting up from my seat. “Where have you been? I heard you wasn’t at work for the past week or so.”
She rolled her eyes. “Did your minion really snitch on me?”
“It ain’t snitching because I left her in charge while I was gone, so technically she was your boss. I can also see when you punch in and out which is a dead giveaway.”
“That’s the issue. We’re best friends and you rather have another bitch filling in your shoes than me.”
“Let's be real. You don’t even take the simple job you have serious; how do you think I will feel comfortable leaving an entire business in your hands?”
Her lip curled before she snickered and ran her coffin fingernails through her hair. “Which is fine. I don’t need to run a business or work when I have a man that will take care of me.”
“You’re quitting?” I questioned her.
“Yep. My man hates me being here anyway. It’s no point of being around a bunch of hating ass bitches.”
“Who is your man?” I asked instead of entertaining her dramatic ass statement. We both knew nobody was hating on her.
She perked up right away. “It doesn’t matter, just know I’ve been living the life I always wanted to live of shopping and getting good dick,” she sighed with a smile.
“Wow, that sounds great. Very random, but great.”
Her smile dropped. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“I just want you to be careful, Trina. Everything that glitters isn't gold.”
“It’s no different than Pitt dropping money on you and your mother. When he paid for you to go to school I wasn’t preaching to you or hating.”
“Pitt was my man.”
“What’s the difference? You still got fucked” She laughed shaking her head. “This is why I don’t tell you anything. You think you’re better than me. Corryn does no wrong.”
“Are you serious? I’m speaking from experience and good intentions. Yes, Pitt paid for my mother’s house, put me through school and helped me get my shop but do you want to know at what cost? My whole entire relationship was a fucking lie, Trina. I wasn’t happy with Pitt. The beginning was cool because I was young and dumb but now that I’m older and more focused hoping my man have time for me isn’t something I want.”
“Well… he had to make his money. He can’t make it being laid up next to you. You chose the position as his girl and didn’t know how to handle it.”
“You mean the position of a side bitch because Pitt is married.” Her mouth dropped and now I was the one laughing and shaking my head. I could tell I was better because I cried thinking about it after his wife told me about it, but now it was more so a joke. “Yup, he’s married. His ride or die was sitting in jail. I’m pretty sure a good amount of time was making sure she felt secure and who knows there were probably a good amount of other girls that were just like me.”
“Are you serious?”
“I wouldn’t lie about anything like that. It’s embarrassing to admit it, but it’s the truth and that’s why I’m telling you to be careful. Everything comes with a cost, mine was a broken heart and I want to make sure your life doesn’t turn out to be mine.”
“Damn. That’s fucked up though. Who’s this bitch? Do we need to go fuck her up?”
“It was a thought because she knew about me to an extent. I was basically someone they were using,” I spewed out my mouth forgetting I didn’t want anyone to know about the drug part. “Ain’t no need to worry about her. I’m over it and I’m over him. Life goes on.”
“Wait this is your shop right? Does Pitt own this?” she questioned me.
“Hell no. I was in love, but not that dumb in love. This is my Salon. Everything is in my name on white paper and black ink.”
“I said all that to say, be careful Trina. You get on my nerves sometimes but I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“Thanks bitch, but I got it under control. The difference between me and you is I ain’t looking for love, just them dollar signs. Shit, if my man happens to have a wife I’ll make sure that bitch cut me a check too.”
“I hate you!” I laughed at her.
“Don’t hate the playa, hate the game shawty.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I waved her off. “Everyone ain’t living the lavish lifestyle you’re living so let me get back to work. If things don’t work out with home boy you’re more than welcome to come back. That’s if you’re going to take working serious.”
“Girl no. This is my livelihood. Me and my man working is the only option. Speaking of him, let me go,” she stood to her feet and adjusted her high waisted spandex shorts. “I meant to ask you if you was messing with Amare.”
I stopped at the door and faced her. “Why you ask me that? You messed with him before.”
“No, I saw him staring at you that night at the party so I was wondering what was up with y’all.”
“Nothing,” I responded not disclosing our interactions in the bathroom or his house.
She frowned and cut her eyes as if she didn’t believe before shrugging her shoulders.
We both headed out of the back to the front where I went to check out the sign in book to see how many people were waiting. The summer time was a busy season because everyone was out which meant everyone wanted to look their best.
Just as Trina walked out, a woman walked in and glanced around the shop until she locked eyes with me.
Remembering I was in my establishment, I kept a poker face on as she approached me.
“How may I help you?”
“By staying the fuck away from my husband.”
My eyes scanned the waiting area to see if anyone was paying attention before I walked outside since I knew that’s where she was going to follow me. I prayed Trina was gone because I was trying to avoid an entire conflict.
When I got outside, Pitt’s wife screwed her face up at the building and then at me snatching off her oversized
Fendi shades.
“Is this what my money paid for?”
“It sure did,” I shot back at her. I was trying to keep the peace but I was also annoyed that she actually had the audacity to show up at my place of business.
“Don’t flatter yourself. In the blink of an eye I can take this all away. Remember, I am the wife.”
Unfolding my arms I clapped my hands to give her a round of applause. She was happy to be married to him and I give her props for being so proud. “Great. I’m glad you think having his last name gives you so much power. You might control Pitt, but you can’t take a thing for me that’s in my name.”
She smirked and looked me right in my eyes. “You’re not as dumb as I thought you were.”
“Look, I’m losing my patience with you. Why are you here? For someone that’s so secure you sure do seem bothered by me.”
“Little girl please, I can still smell the milk on your breath. I’m here to make this loud and clear that Pitt is my husband. He loves me and we’re about to start a family,” she told me holding her stomach for emphasis. “I know he was with you a few days ago. Whatever business y’all conducted will be the last. Your services is no longer needed. Go find a man that’s not in a relationship to foot your bill.”
“I don’t do business with Pitt. He may have made a few moves behind my back but I can assure you him being at my family house had nothing to do with businesses. Matter of fact, instead of telling me to stay away from him give him that memo since he loves to pop up on me telling me I ain’t going nowhere.”
If looks could kill I’d be dead right now. She wasn’t expecting that but that was on her. Had she been a woman about it I would’ve gave her piece of mind by letting her know I was done with him, but she was too busy trying to throw shots at me when it was her man that wouldn’t let go.
“Stay away from my man. This is the last warning I’m giving you.”
She pivoted on her heels and walked over to the cherry red Benz that was parked up peeling off quickly.
I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath and blew it out. I was ready to put everything behind me so I can move on with my life.
“Where’s your little girlfriend? Her pussy must be trash if you’re still in my bed making me cum all over your dick.”
Gritting my teeth, I swung my feet over the side of her bed and got up to get dressed. I told myself I was going to chill out, but of course her mouth fucked all that up.
Even if I wanted to forget about Corryn I couldn’t. She was always on my mind and that’s what fucked me up. I took so many losses I didn’t care who came and went. I usually was the first to cut someone off in a heartbeat because of it, but she was different.
“Where are you going?”
“You need to shut the fuck up sometimes,” I told her calmly. Picking my briefs up off her floor, I stepped into them and then slipped my shirt back on.
“Are you serious, Mar?!”
I didn’t bother to answer her. I continued to get dressed and grabbed my keys off her dresser once I was done. Heading to her front door she was right behind me stomping dramatically.
“I can’t believe this shit. I spent so much of my time dealing with you hoping you will choose me when I can get any nigga I wanted.”
When I felt her push me, I stopped in my tracks and turned around so fast she stumbled backwards and fell to the floor.
“You ain’t bound to me by locks and chains. Go fucking get them then,” I spewed giving her a menacing stare before I left out of her apartment slamming the door behind me.
My mind was all over the place; trying to do something new and being let the fuck down had me in a dark place I tried to get up out of with a nut. It almost worked until Natalia had to open her mouth.
After dropping Corryn off at her mother's place, I pulled off but was stopped at the end of the block from a police block traffic from a stop. It pissed me off but on a one way block I had no choice but to wait.
In the midst of waiting, I happened to look at my rear-view mirror and saw Pitt coming out of her mother's crib. The funny part about it is that I haven’t heard from her since and it all made sense. That shit had my mind blown. I didn’t expect her to settle for number two but that was on her. I quickly accept it for what it was. You can’t make a person accept their worth when they ain’t see it for themselves.
“Ain’t this some shit,” I mumbled to myself wondering how she was able to get past the gate. The universe clearly wasn’t working in my favor.
As I pulled into my driveway, Corryn stood to her feet. Getting out of my car, I slammed the door shut and pressed the lock button on the fob.
“Go home,” I told her as she met me halfway.
She stopped walking and her mouth hung open from my brashness. I walked past her as if she wasn’t there and continued to my front door.
Corryn moved so fast that she got in front of me and jumped on the steps to block me. I made the mistake and looked her in her face and almost felt bad for coming at her that way. I missed her like crazy. If she ain't do that nut shit I would be shoving my tongue down her throat as she rode my dick, but that shit wasn’t happening.
“Amare, we really need to talk please.”
I laughed to refrain from hurting her feelings. “If you know what’s best for you, you will get the fuck off my porch and keep your ass away from me.”
Her eyes flooded with hurt. My heart was cold so I could care less. With a look of defeat, she moved to the side and I stormed past her pushing the code on the pad to get in but stopped once what she belted our registered in my head.
“Pitt was at my mother's house and threatened to kill who ever I was with.”
Balling my fist up at my side, I turned towards her and saw that she had tears glossing up her eyes. That shit had my stomach turning.
What the fuck was this girl doing to me?
“I’m sorry, but I was scared. What was I supposed to do? I didn’t want that on my heart knowing something was going to happen.”
Pushing the door open, I told her to go inside stepping to the side so she can walk in. Once we were both in, I closed the door and locked it before focusing on her. She looked like she was suffering without having me around and I couldn’t lie and say it didn’t move me.
“What kind of nigga do you take me for?” I laughed running my hand down my face in shock she actually was with a nigga she ain’t know. “Better yet, what kind of nigga you take him for. Pitt wouldn’t bust a fucking grape in a fruit fight.”
Her eyebrows crinkled in confusion and I released a menacing chuckle. My trigger finger was itching knowing he had the heart to say some shit like that. It was like pulling out a gun and not using it. I was still waiting on that nigga, so I can get rid of his ass.
“But… but he said…” A tear dropped from her eye and it had me walking up on her taking her face in my hands.
“I don’t give a fuck about that nigga. Nothing he say or do gonna have me worried. My thing is do you care about him or his fucking threat?”
“I don’t care about Pitt!” she said back right away. “I just know how-”
“You don’t know him. If you did you would know that nigga ain’t nothing but talk. He may show boat but this my city. I walk in any hood comfortably. I ain’t hard to find. If Pitt wanted to get busy he would know where to find me.”
Her face softened even though I still had my face balled up.
“I appreciate you for caring tho.”
“But you ain’t care. What if something happened to me? You ain’t bother to reach out.”
My demeanor changed and I was back in her space, stroking the path the tear slid down her pretty face.
“The only thing I thought happened was that nigga got back in ya head.” I lowered my head and met my lips with hers. “In a way he did.”
“I was trying to protect you,” she murmured and that had a nigga feeling warm inside. It was always me being the one doing the protecting
. To know this five-foot chocolate girl was willing to do whatever it took had me feeling something.
“I don’t need you to protect me. That ain’t ya job.”
She went to open her mouth and say something, but I silenced her with another kiss. She had my body aching for her, but knowing I got up out of another woman’s bed not too long ago held me back. Instead I pulled her upstairs with me so I can shower and make her feel how much I missed her.
At night I rarely got sleep, mainly because my mind was always racing with thoughts. Normally I stayed up taking care of business until I crashed. Working while everyone was sleeping comfortable is what contributed to me in getting ahead of the game. Many would think what I built was passed down but I started from the bottom and worked my way to the top.
As I lay on my California king sized bed with my hands resting behind my bed staring up at the ceiling, I got out of my own head to focus on Corryn. She was knocked out next to me on her stomach with her straight silky dark hair scattered over the pillow.
Her pouty mouth was slightly opened as she hugged the pillow; a result of the sex coma I put her in.
She was perfect. I was use to the women that did everything to stand out but in all reality they were all the same. Superficial as fuck. Stuck up and broke.
Corryn was a go getter. She carried herself with a different kind of elegance that had me drawn. Her body was slim with just enough curves and she had the softest skin she lathered in coconut butter giving her a clean nutty scent. It was different.
It made sense that she took great care of herself because the business she ran was all about women.
Leaning over, I kissed her bare shoulders and she stirred until she eventually peeled her eyes open.
“What are you doing up?”
“I don’t sleep much.”
Yawning, she rolled over until she was on her side and offered a faint smile.
“Were you staring at me?”
Pulling her closer to me, she rested her head on my chest as I rubbed her back. Even after all the hours I spent between her legs my erection grew. From the way she was sleeping I knew another round wasn’t in the question, so I tried my best to keep my thoughts at bay.